Special Notice
In response to the recent covid-19, our clinic is currently making the following series of arrangements, which are strictly implemented:
1) Only one owner is allowed to bring animals into the clinic and consultation room when visiting a veterinarian;
2) All visitors must wear masks properly throughout the clinic.
3) All visitors must take their body temperature when entering the clinic and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to sanitize their hands;
4) No eating or drinking in the clinic;
5) All visitors who have symptoms such as fever and respiratory diseases are not allowed to enter the clinic; if they are unwell, such as general malaise, dry cough or shortness of breath, or have been in contact with patients with pneumonia or have been to the epidemic area.
6) We reserve the right NOT to provide clinical services to any patient owned by the client with confirmed Coronavirus infection; under mandatory quarantine or under mandatory testing and) have a travel history and being contact with any person with confirmed Coronavirus Infection in last 14 days.

Dr. Lea Silva Hollis
Principal Veterinarian
Lea Silva-Hollis博士 是 柏德獸醫診所 和 沙田圍獸醫診所 的主要獸醫。她於1999年在菲律賓大學獲得獸醫學博士學位。她在 通過許可證考試後的 第一份工作,是作為一個農場獸醫,在一個有1500母豬級農場照顧10,000頭豬。 2000年,她搬到阿拉伯聯合酋長國的阿布扎比,在英國獸醫中心工作。她住在那裡3年,遇到不同的病人,如非洲野貓,黑猩猩,隼,非洲灰鸚鵡和薩路基獵犬。
2003年,她的丈夫也是一名獸醫,在香港工作了6個月的工作,為緊急的獸醫診所工作。他們計劃在這里呆了6個月,繼續旅行。然而,他們愛上了充滿活力的香港城市,自那時起就一直住在這裡。 2004年,Lea博士坐下並通過了英國皇家獸醫學院的會員考試。自從有了兩個活躍的精力充沛的兒子,還有他們13年前救出一隻黑色的可卡犬和在12年前在薄扶林和旺角的街道上發現了兩隻流浪小貓,從那以後一直很忙。當不工作時,Dr Lea和她的丈夫和兩個年輕的孩子喜歡大部分住在新界的家,看電影,烹飪或嘗試新的餐館,並在香港不同的郊野公園徒步旅行。
Dr. Lea Silva-Hollis is our principal veterinarian both for Castle Peak Pet Clinic and Shatin Wai Pet Clinic. She earned her degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from University of the Philippines in 1999. Her first job after passing the Licensure Exam was as a Farm Vet in a 1,500 sow level farm taking care of 10,000 pigs. In 2000, she moved to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and worked at British Veterinary Centre. She lived there for 3 years and encountered different patients such as serval or african wildcat, chimpanzee, falcons, african grey parrots and salukis.
In 2003, her husband who is also a Vet, got a 6-month job in HK working for an emergency Vet Clinic. They planned to stay here for only 6 months and keep on travelling. However they fell in love with the vibrant city of HK and has been living here since then. In 2004, Dr. Lea sit and passed the Membership Examination of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon UK. She has been very busy ever since, raising two active energetic sons, a black Cocker Spaniel that they rescued as a puppy 13 years ago, and two stray kittens they found on the streets of Pokfulam and Mongkok 12 years ago.. When not working, Dr Lea and her husband and two young kids enjoy mostly staying at their home in New Territories, watching movies,cooking or trying new restaurants, and hiking around different country parks in HK.
Dr. Lea has special interest in Small Animal surgery, endocrinology, dermatology and exotic medicine. She regularly attends international conferences and continuing professional education events and seminars to keep up to date with the most current treatment and management of her patients.
Dr. Anthony Hollis
Principal Veterinarian
Dr. Anthony 出生於澳洲昆士蘭州,同年剛好是他父親修讀獸醫學的最後一年。他的父親﹑姐夫﹑表弟和侄子都是獸醫,而他的母親和妹妹都獸醫診所護士,可說是他注定會成為一位獸醫。理所當然地,他亦娶了一位獸醫。 Dr. Anthony 於1994年畢業於他父親母校,他的第一份工作是在澳洲農村地區執業為各種動物診症。在此期間,他從中學習到與客戶建立相互信任和尊重的重要性。在這鄉郊地方,客戶很多時會送農村風味早餐以對他的工作表示讚賞。某一個冬季的凌晨5點,安東尼幫助分娩出健康的小牛,除了獲得了客戶讚賞外,還有一頓農村風味早餐以示感激。
在澳洲做獸醫6年後,Dr. Anthony決定旅行。最終在阿布扎比擔任小型動物獸醫2年。 在那裏遇到的狀況絕對是層出不窮,甚至乎非常罕見 。從醫治斷腿的阿拉伯沙瞪羚到為貪玩的黑猩猩接種疫苗,這些都是緊張而興奮的體驗。 Dr. Anthony於2003年來到香港加入了當時剛有24小時診証的The Ark醫院。一年後, 他取得為著名的PAVC設立緊急醫療服務(ER)的機會。在接下來的15年中,Anthony博士在全東南亞最繁忙的診所之一中發展。 他現在加入CPPC,迎接新的挑戰,期望以他過去17年作為ER獸醫的經驗繼續為大家服務。
Dr. Anthony was born in Queensland Australia, while his father was in his final year of veterinary studies. His father, his brother-in-law, cousin and nephew are all vets. As well as his mother and sister being vet nurses. You could say being a vet, is in his blood. But just to be sure, he also married a vet.
After graduating in 1994 at the same Veterinary school his father graduated from, Dr Anthony’s first job was in a mixed practice in rural Australia. During this time, he learnt the value of developing that all important mutual trust and respect with the many varied clients he serviced. Plus, if you did a good job it often meant a free cooked country breakfast. Well-earned and appreciated after helping to deliver a healthy calf at 5 am on a winter morning.
After 6 years as a vet in Australia Dr Anthony decided to travel. Eventually taking a position in Abu Dhabi for 2 years as a small animal practitioner. Here the cases were definitely varied and sometimes unusual. From fixing the broken leg of an Arabian sand gazelle to trying to vaccinate a very cheeky chimpanzee, it was a very exciting and at times thrilling experience.
Dr. Anthony came to Hong Kong in 2003. Here he joined the Ark which had recently opened their 24 hr clinic. One year later the opportunity to develop an ER service at the famous PAVC was offered. For the next 15 years Dr Anthony developed his skills as an ER vet in what was one of the busiest clinics in SE Asia.
He now joins CPPC for a new challenge and looks forward to offering the same standards of service developed and given during his past 17 years in Hong Kong as an ER vet.
Dr. Kelvin Chuk
祝澔廉醫生在2018年於澳洲梅鐸大學取得獸醫學士及理學士 (獸醫生物學) 學位並以distinction成績畢業。之後他回到故鄉香港並加入一所大型動物醫療中心完成為期18個月的專科實習。在這段期間他與來自世界各地、不同範疇的專科獸醫合作和處理複雜案例及重症,獲得了貴重的臨床經驗。
Dr Kelvin graduated from Murdoch University in 2018 with distinction in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery as well as Science in Veterinary Biology. It did not him very long to make the decision of returning to his beloved homeland Hong Kong where he was born and raised up. He then commenced an 18-month rotating internship in a state-of-art 24-hour referral centre, where he worked with the top specialists across different fields from all round the globe to handle complicated and critical cases with the cutting-edge knowledge and facilities.
Inspired by his experience of taking part in a surgical neutering trip in India during his final year of vet school, Dr Kelvin subsequently decided to contribute to the local animal community as a first opinion veterinarian upon completing the internship programme. Dr Kelvin cannot hide his excitement to join the wonderful team at Castle Peak Pet Clinic where he can practise exceptional level of veterinary medicine. With strong emphasis on evidence-based medicine, he aspires to provide the best quality of veterinary care to animals and clients in the neighbourhood through his knowledge and enthusiasm.
Dr Kelvin’s veterinary interests include internal medicine, neurology, anaesthesiology, dermatology and ultrasonography. He also has high awareness of animal welfare topics in Hong Kong. Outside of work Dr Kelvin enjoys hiking, playing and watching football but most importantly, being enslaved by his rescued cat Gus.
Dr. Stephanie Chan
她把家人放在首位,回港在香港大學攻讀工程學位。在她逗留香港期間,她的家人迎來了他們的第一個四足毛茸茸的成員——西伯利亞雪橇犬Genie。意識到她對動物的熱愛,Stephanie 知道她的心和興趣在別處。她做出了艱難決定,再次離開家人。
為了追求自己的夢想,她進入昆士蘭大學攻讀獸醫學,並於 2017 年以優異的成績畢業。通過她的學習,她對小動物手術和眼科產生了特別的興趣。
在業餘時間,Stephanie 喜歡與家人共度時光,從那時起,她的家人已經擴展到 4 隻狗、Genie、Hailey、Jack 和 Gus、2 隻貓、Boo Boo、Simba 和……一個剛出生的嬰兒。
Stephanie was born and raised in Hong kong, but spend most of her time studying abroad in the UK when she was young.
Prioritising her family, she returned to Hong Kong for an engineering degree at the University of Hong Kong. During her stay in HK, her family welcomed their first four-legged furrmily member,Genie the Siberian Husky. Realising her love for animals, Stephanie knew her heart and interest lies somewhere else. She made the difficult decision to leave her family again.
To pursue her dream, she entered The University of Queensland, to study veterinary medicine and graduated in 2017 with honours. Through out her study, she developed a special interest in small animal surgery and ophthalmology.
Since graduation, she returned home to become a general practitioner. She believes strongly in primary care and loves building long-term relationships with her patients.
In her spare time, Stephanie loves spending time with her family, which have since then expanded into 4 dogs, Genie, Hailey, Jack, and Gus, 2 cats, Boo Boo, Simba, and ... a newborn baby.
Dr. Audrey Wong
Audrey 畢業於新西蘭梅西大學,獲得獸醫學學士學位。畢業後回港,在一間24小時營業的小動物專科醫院完成為期一年的輪崗實習,負責看急症、照顧危重病人及協助轉介個案。實習結束後,她還繼續擔任臨時急診獸醫,主要負責夜班工作。
工作之餘,Audrey 喜歡潛水、衝浪以及與她的 3 隻狗 Ody、Jayden 和 Torben 共度時光。
Audrey graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from Massey University, New Zealand. Upon graduation, she returned to Hong Kong and completed a one-year rotating internship at a 24-hour small animal speciality hospital where she was responsible for seeing emergencies, taking care of critical patients, and assisting referral cases. After her internship, she also stayed on as a locum emergency veterinarian where she was mainly responsible for overnight shifts.
Outside of work, Audrey enjoys diving, surfing and spending time with her 3 dogs, Ody, Jayden, and Torben.
Dr. Tom Hollis
Grew up in a veterinary family, Tom graduated from the University of Adelaide in Australia in 2021 and started his career in a small animal practice in Walkerville, South Australia. He moved to HKG this summer and is excited to see a new culture of veterinary medicine.
He loves helping all pets and is especially interested in dermatology and general surgery. Come and say hi to him, he is looking forward to meeting more new friends!
Dr. Tom is passionate about all cats and dogs, including big dogs as he treated many in his hometown. Bring your big furry pal down and meet him when you pass by, surely they will be good friends soon!
Dr.Tom 是一位對動物十分有耐心和愛心的醫生。他在澳洲工作時經常和動物們相處融洽,特別是大型犬隻。所以主人帶上毛孩們和Dr.Tom打招呼
Dr. Sharon Shek
Welcome to Dr. Sharon, our new SWPC based vet.
Born and raised local, Sharon determines to be a vet since young. She gained her veterinary medicine degreed from National Taiwan University in 2021.
During her studies, she volunteered in projects related to stray animals around the world such as spaying and neutering stray cats and dogs in Thailand and trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs for stray cats in Taiwan.
Dr. Sharon is interested in dermatology and internal medicine and always happy to share her study with you.
Dr. Kelvin Lai
Dr. Kelvin在香港長大,從小就對動物和生物科學感興趣。高中畢業後,他首先以一等榮譽成績在香港科技大學獲得生物化學學位。然後,他繼續學習獸醫並畢業於墨爾本大學。畢業後,他決定返回香港,希望為家鄉的動物福利做出貢獻。
Growing up in Hong Kong, Dr. Kelvin has been interested in animal and biological science since his childhood. After finishing high school, he first completed a Biochemistry degree with first class honour in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He then pursued his veterinary study and graduated from The University of Melbourne. After graduation, he decided to return to Hong Kong hoping to contribute to animal welfare in his hometown.
Dr. Kelvin enjoys many aspects of daily work especially surgery. He aims to continue to develop his surgical skills.
In his spare time, he enjoys exploring different local cafes and restaurants.